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Scientific Research

Use of yoga techniques in patients with multiple myeloma

The use of yoga techniques in patients with multiple myeloma.

Alice Onderková, Mgr.

Multiple Myeloma Patient Support Group coordinator




Multiple myeloma belongs to a group of rare diseases, and affects approximately 5 patients per 10 000 inhabitants. It is a malignant disease caused by malignant transformation of B-lymphocytes. The most common manifestations are osteolysis, renal dysfunction and decreased hematopoiesis.


Multiple Myeloma Patient Support Group is a nonprofit organization for patients and their loved ones. Its mission is to provide patients, their relatives and friends with comprehensive information, organize meetings with experts from various field and thus help patients to manage the difficult life situation.


Project Yoga and multiple myeloma was initiated in 2011 in association with experienced trainers practicing yoga exercises in the System Yoga in Daily Life, and with physicians from the Czech Myeloma Group. Our goal was to offer exercise procedures affecting back ache, organize Group meetings, and offer the possibility of regular group exercise under the guidance of interested professionals. Up to this date, Group meetings with a demonstration of yogic exercises (relaxation, breathing, release and stretching exercise) were held in Brno, Plzen, Hradec Kralove and Prague. Last autumn was issued the publication with proposal of exercise. The regular exercise takes place in Brno from March 2011, in Hradec Kralove from 2012 and from February 2013 in Prague. According to the patients who regularly exercise, yoga not only improves their health condition, but also supports their mental state.