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Weekend Seminar in Martin and in Poprad, Slovakia

Martin was again blessed by the visit of VishwaguruJi Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda.  During the weekend of 15th – 17th November His holiness was leading international yoga seminar where pearls of wisdom and nectar were showered upon us through his lectures.

One of the main topics was yoga in daily life care for the elderly. In this topic VishwaguruJi emphasized, how important is to take care of elderly people. They need loving attention and help so they can improve health and quality of life. According to this VishwaguruJi was leading yoga practice of asanas and pranayam adapted for elderly in sitting positions on the chair. He expressed his wish that every YiDL center should have free lessons for seniors and to publish a book System YiDL for elders with a name ˝From old to young˝.

Central event of the weekend program was the inauguration of new Yoga in Daily Life Ashram in Martin. Beautiful new ashram was bathing in a friendly, harmonious and joyful atmosphere created by VishwaguruJi, his disciples, and other people who are practicing according to the System Yoga in Daily Life.
The weekend program ended with planting of peace tree in front of the ashram, which symbolizes world peace, ecology and inner strength to strive for it.

On Monday HH VishwaguruJi visited Poprad, a town under the famous Slovakian mountains – Tatras to have a public lecture at Hotel Poprad in the evening. HH VishwaguruJi was speaking about importance of healthy and ethical way of living. He emphasized how rare is human life among all creatures as one from 8,4 million. So people should be aware that their duty is to be a protector of the creation and not a distractor. We people did not follow divine principles, so we lost our way, and become ill. We destroyed our health through behaviour, chemical pesticides and now we keep destroying ourselves and enviroment with GMO and procedures that had ruined the seeds.
Vishwaguruji recommended intake of quality food, organic diet, less eating and body exercises like swimming, walking, yoga etc. to remain healthy and to regain the energy. But for remaining healthy not only diet is important but also the society. Negative company carry down our thoughts, so that is why it is very important to stay in good company that will helps our mind.

After the public lecture VishwaguruJi visited vegetarian/vegan restaurant – VEG, where people can enjoy healthy and tasty food with pure consciousness.

Programme than continued with the Satsang in Yoga in Daily Life Poprad centrum.
Company of our truly realized master uplifted our mind and fulfilled it with spiritual light. It was great fortune that our soul was nourished with highest truth and divine love. Satsang is most precious gift, it is highest blessing, and this can be realized only through human body. 
We would like to express thankfulness from the depth of our hearts to our beloved master, who selflessly, with unconditional love and compassion leads us from darkness of ignorance to the light of wisdom. We are very much looking forward for Vishwaguruji's next visit. Pranam and juga, juga jivo MaheshwaranandaJi.

interview in front of the ashram and peace tree  smallopening ceremonyopening ceremony 2

opening ceremony 3opening ceremony of the ashramrestaurant veg

satsang in ashram in popradseminar